Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Continued Studies - 06/26/2006 (Grave Suspicion Of Heresy)



David A. Archer




General Philosophy


02/16/2006 ~ 07/19/2006


Something occurred to me today while pondering the use of a term I chose as a chapter title of the fiction I am writing - this in conjunction with the changes societies have made over the years, centuries and how those changes are met, gives me more insight into the motion and dynamic of human existence and development (socially, at least - the deeper within consistencies). That phrase is Grave suspicion of heresy and the realization in deciding to use it, firstly has to do with the change the Catholic church leveled against astronomers of the time which discovered the sun as the center of the galaxy - as opposed to that which the church insisted upon - being the Earth as the center.

While it is that this seems incredibly absurd in our modern time, it stands to illustrate another tendency of human nature which even extends into the realms of science in our modern day.

This also serves to illuminate a dynamic (and consistency) - prolonged and re-occurring even - which continues in societies today.

It has inspired me to convert a musing absurdity I have been toying with for thought, into another short piece of fiction titled OUT ONLY IN - which pertains to Earths surface actually being inside of a spiraling, spherical container of some sort, which in turn contains all else we know of the Universe and space - inside it as well. As if our Earths surface is the inside surface of a contained sphere;

UP, toward the sky - is actually IN toward the center of the container - Universe.

As per the dynamic I am presently observing here - it can be seen time and again, even,as I have stated, within modern science. Very much the same attitude can be seen within both extremes of opposition - church / science.

There are still people that insist Rome should never have fallen, even perhaps that it really hasn't for one reason or another.

There are still people who insist those astronomers were incorrect - this, I suspect in the effort to avoid admitting that the church had been wrong.

I find this interesting because I see such leanings as more pertaining to maintaining a perception that the church and those people affiliated with it were/are correct - instead of exploring and knowing about that which "god" has put forward for us all.

That effort I see as being one of insisting a human interpretation is infallible - in that then, insisting that those persons affiliated with it are not only correct - but perhaps even somehow god like in some way - which in itself is actually the larger violation it would seem, pertaining to heresy.

Further, such positioning was more expected of the sovereign elements in said societies and social structures - but as you can see and as has been proved - both were at least equally guilty of such violations to that which each claimed to be embodiment and representation of - which, from my perspective - in effect is a relationship between humans and that which is, but difficult to comprehend/conceptualize.

Further then in this, are those remnants even today of denying the discoveries made which were beyond those earlier interpretations - which then creates a rather interesting dynamic as society continues - even continuing in and around other similar developing dynamics. this I suggest, actually then lends the illusion of history repeating itself, when really it is only remnants of those bygones again surfacing as resonations - resulting in what can only be described as a staggered motion (though non-linear) - and further as a desperation (source of confusion and desperation) of sorts.

I do not think that allot of it is deliberate as that would simply not stand to reason with the advance of our intellect and understanding, and the potentials of that understanding and growing in such interpretations. As well, from my perspective, this is as result of those perceptions which approach such structures as rigid (imposed limitation) in the understood initial meanings (if that were actually possible verbatim) as they were supposedly perceived at other points in time - without the consideration of progressed understandings. Almost folding back upon itself in some way.

The progress of the Catholic church for instance, is a display of many of these tendencies which I have mentioned. and when I move my studies more toward Theology, I will explore them more in depth - including the mutations I believe the over control and forced tendencies has created. ~

To continue with what I am presently thinking about, a few more examples of this tendency toward re-occurrence (being mostly comprised of illusion in my opinion) is the Nazi ideology and even the Theory of Evolution as Darwin put forward with observations.

In considering that dynamic in regard to Darwin's theory, it is readily evident that such is still regarded as a rigid structure to be accommodated more than used and observed as a form of fact within nature. In other words, it has very much been the tendency to utilize what may have been discovered within/through science SINCE, to hodge podge into the mural and rigid structure of those observations - instead of allowing the insights such observations may have initially uncovered (presented), to continue in their development.

Instead of continuing the task of investigating and observing objectively, as I believe was the initial effort, such directions of science seem to have been shackled in a dynamic of Darwin is(was) correct and conversely Darwin is(was not) correct. Modern discoveries being forced to corroborate his observation within that dynamic, instead of utilized to objectively observe. Being very much a one or the other limitation. As if even the finding of something physically irrefutable as a contradiction to those initial observations (more so how they are perceived and employed in the modern day) - would be and is a form of sorts in the direction of Grave suspicion of heresy. Especially in the scope of how drastically the speed of society has changed. this seems rather odd to say the least.

In my opinion, the actual fault is in insisting such a human element is infallible more than whether it is entirely correct or entirely incorrect.

This opinion I have, I further substantiate with my own position on the idea of perfection (as I have addressed it) and the results in attempts toward attaining such. ~

In regard to those that may think they are carrying on the ideology of Nazi Germany, I see many of the same tendencies and dynamics.

I should point out that in observing the rise and fall of said movement, it becomes all too possible within the consistencies - to see where the actual intention of the movement was in removing the German population entirely. Here it was, a mammoth killing machine that very much could not be stopped. Then as if scripted somehow, the most efficient war machine ever conceived and put into action, made fatal and incompetent mistakes. Then further failed to address and rectify those miscalculations (as would a well tuned machine of that nature), and instead continued head long into near complete destruction of itself. Even to the point of children being used as soldiers.

Further in this is that tendency of humans as years go by - which, given the fact that no one was left (so to speak) to continue such ideologies - resulted in a fractured body of interpretations regarding such social leanings.

When I consider this further - and in regard to those tendencies of people as I have described - I then cannot help the thought - especially in light of those mistakes - that perhaps the entire movement was engineered as such - even further with such fractured changes in mind?

This isn't to condone that movement or that apparent re-occurrence tendency - or and especially the brutality of the time. Only to speculate that perhaps such was a grand social ploy of sorts from the beginnings of the designs.

Something that may further substantiate this, is the subconscious relation with supremacy and hard line segregation, with near entire decimation and destruction of those with such a bent. I consider this and suggest at least a musing on it when observed in context with that re-occurrence tendency - then coupled with that fractured (and further crippling) dynamic within it. This is to say, as a musing, perhaps rigid interpretation and continuance of such was specifically not allowed in the effort to actually produce purposeful fractures and discord within such directions - and further within the use of those human tendencies? Actually utilizing an amplified version of those innate tendencies for that shift in perspective? Humpty Dumpty as it were. Further then considering this as result in amplification on the wave of that immense surge within the electrical shift in our reality. ~

As further speculation, such rise and fall fits as well, within the idea and description of result from that concept/application area I have described - especially if the initial concepts and ideas were stolen (then adding to a more rapid solidification within haste) then applied in such attempts as to fulfill perfection without having the depth of/in understanding perhaps, that was truly intended within the given example concept(s).

11/29/2006 As could be expected, I have given such areas more thought, and in doing so have made realizations that very much seem to support such speculations. If a person considers the haste of someone(something) to bring a new product to market for instance - why wouldn't such tendencies extend to ideologies and social movements? Further, in the examples of haste within such occurrences, there are always short comings due to those tactics of procurement and implementation - which, as addressed seems to tend to hasten that rigidity within concept/application. An out of context usage of "beat them to the punch" so to speak. This of course applying to all such efforts, and not exclusively toward the present example by any means.

Further in considering these tendencies for re-occurrence, it does occur to me that part of such dynamic could very well be in the attempts at continuation of such idea examples, in a rigid form - thusly, through the inconsistencies inherent, and further within the slight changes with progress - the re-occurrence transpires as result of subtle changes in perception. The overt and over stated attempts toward control and rigidity in ideas, actually works against itself in many respects - especially in those areas where progress has obviously moved far and away from even the early mutated attempts to maintain conformity in areas and idea.

Envision if you will, that which we perceive to be time as a large, flexible surface which progresses - then consider those points of rigidity as just that, still clinging to certain areas within that progressing example idea (for instance).

Even in common linear perception, those rigid standards act only as points of drag in actual progress. Always behind the pitch as I have described. Anchor points as it were, regardless of how they mutate.

I have to laugh though it may be a bit mean spirited - many of those (in any given example) desperately wanting control, are essentially imprisoned within their own want of rigidity. They want all still and motionless so as to have control, but cannot bring themselves out of the rigidity in that common concept of time movement for example!

They seek essentially then - to actually stop the progress of their own perception of time - but because of their own rigidity (and want), cannot forsake the very root of their obsession.

How funny!

From that perspective, they actually want to stop their very own directions and even selves - in the interest of achieving those given goals. But attempt such through the effort of controlling all else.

Again - that effort-concept - that concept-application dichotomy.

So much has been hurried in the past 100 years or so - then within that greatly retarded in many ways as result.

I am truly grateful for the perspective I have had through out my life time.

I can't help wonder how far it is that we have actually fallen behind?


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